Julia Nav. Info 



Name: Julia

Age: 28

Height: About 5'7"

Weight: About 121 Pounds.

Education: Graduate Tech. University.

Work: Local Company

Never Married/No Children.

Religion: Russian Orthodox Christian.

Julia doesn't smoke or drink.
OK if you smoke, be an occasional drinker only.

Julia lives with her parents.

She has some computer experience, she drives.

Julia Traveled To Ukraine, Russia.

Language Skills: Russian
Julia was referred to us by a good friend of our family.

Julia & her parents all have excellent reputations in Vitebsk.

Julia's a Stunning Young Russian Belarus Woman,
red hair, brown eyes.

She's an old fashion Vitebsk Russian Belarus woman.

Her parents come from a small village in Belarus.

Julia was brought up with good old fashion thinking about marriage, family.

She's the type woman we love to have in our membership.

Julia has an excellent education, a good job.
She knows how to earn a living, support herself. 

Julia has those old fashion marriage, 
family values all us guys are looking for in a wife. 

These qualities in a Drop-Dead Gorgeous Young Belarus Woman.

Our crew describe Julia as being a:

"Kind, open woman with a loving demeanor.

Julia's not shy, she knows how to speak her mind in an intelligent manner.

Julia makes friends easily, she's a people-person.

Julia's very much a touch-type woman.

She's a sweet Belarus woman who lights-up the room when she enters.

Julia has a real presence about her that you simply cannot ignore."
 Our Julia would like to meet a reasonably traditional man from any country for love,
marriage, to create a close traditional family together.

You can be up to about 54 years old.

Julia wants to have a child with her future husband.

You need to be serious about family, marriage.
You need to be an open, sociable people-person.

Be a man who enjoys sharing loving touches, holding-hands with your woman.

Be comfortable with giving, receiving loving attention from your spouse.

Julia's a good cook.

Julia loves photography, that's her hobby.
She's quite good at photography. She loves animals.

Julia also enjoys music, reading a good book on a cold winter night.

She enjoys travel, spending time outside during any season.

Our crew asked Julia our almost-famous question:

Why are you a special person?
Why should a man want to spend the rest of his life with you in particular?

Julia said,
"I would like to find a good family oriented man who will take our marriage and family seriously. A man who will love me and our marriage commitment, our vows we have taken together. I would desire my man to show his love to me and our family. I would love this special man, my love, my husband, with all my heart, with all my being."
  •  What I Need Is A:
    Set Of Horse-Blinders.

    Plus A Military-Grade-Kevlar-Helmet.

    To Protect Me From Nina's Fry-Pan.


    Sweet Person Inside.
    Beautiful Person Inside.
    Where It's Most Important.

    Tell Our Matchmaker Nina:
    To Get You Involved With Julia.

    Find Out For Yourself.

    OUR RATING: 96

    One Of The Most Beautiful:
    Young Russian Belarus Women;

    I've Ever Seen.


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